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  • Cantonal Court in Livno

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    Insight into Case Files

    Parties and their attorneys can have insight into case files after submitting of a request for it. The request must be submitted to court’s registry office and it must contain the applicant’s name and case number. If the request is submitted by the attorney, the power of attorney must be enclosed with the request.

    The party examines the case file in the presence of the head of the court management on the same day when the request was submitted. When due to objective reasons that is not possible to be done, then the head of the court management in written form informs the party about the time when it will be possible to examine the case files.

    The examination of the case files is done at the head of the court management’s office and under its supervision on every working day from 8:00 - 10:30 hrs and from 11:00 - 16:00 hrs.

    To photocopy court files, it is required to obtain approval from the judge or the president of the court.

    • First ten pages of standard size photocopies are not charged.
    • The price for each standard page that exceeds first ten free pages is 0.50 KM by page.
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